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The Mastery Mindset: Embracing the Journey to Become Your Best Self

Mastery. It's a word that evokes images of virtuosos, of those who have reached the pinnacle of their craft. But mastery isn't just about achieving perfection; it's about the journey of transformation, the relentless pursuit of becoming your best self.  This blog delves into the core elements of mastery, drawing inspiration from Leonardo da Vinci, Human Design's Gate 16, and the wisdom of Robert Greene.

The Enemy of Mastery: Indifference

The path to mastery begins with confronting a formidable foe: indifference. As holocaust survivor and writer Elie Wiesel poignantly states,

“The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference.
The opposite of art is not ugliness, it’s indifference.
The opposite of faith is not heresy, it’s indifference.
And the opposite of life is not death, it’s indifference.”

When we're indifferent, we settle for the status quo, allowing precious time and energy to be wasted on the "inessential." This indifference keeps us trapped in our comfort zones, hindering the potential for growth and change.

To move into Mastery and into your success requires letting go of fear, focusing on the things that light you up, and persistently breathing life into your craft. As you dedicate time and love to the mastery of you and whatever you choose, you will see the ripple effect on those around you.

The Importance of the Journey: The Apprenticeship, the Creation, and the Mastery

Robert Greene outlines three phases of mastery in his work: apprenticeship, creative-active, and mastery. Apprenticeship involves immersing yourself in the fundamentals, absorbing knowledge, and honing your skills. The Creative-active phase encourages experimentation and exploration, pushing boundaries and finding your unique voice. Finally, Mastery arrives not as a destination but as a continuous process of refinement and growth.

Leonardo da Vinci comes to mind with the topics of apprenticeship and mastery. Da Vinci imagined and sketched his ideas and sometimes never built out the concept. He did give passion and focus to where his curiosity took him. In one of his journals, he discusses his study of light on leaves, and he dedicated hours and hours and pages and pages to this study. Did he master light in his paintings? From my point of view, yes, he did. I wonder if he felt he was a master at light. 

Leo was a rebel, an outcast, and very courageous. He lived outside the box and pushed limits in his crafts and his studies. I believe he reached mastery in so many topics because of his courage and ability to be himself in a world that required him to be different.

Breaking Free: Embracing Fear and Stepping Out

Mastery requires courage. This act of bravery allows us to confront and overcome the lethargy that holds us back from creating a truly fulfilling life. Yet, it necessitates stepping out of the familiar and venturing into the unknown, a prospect that can be daunting.  

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we’re liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

- Marianne Williamson in Return to Love

Transcend your fear, and you will suddenly become so much more capable than you were before. Are you ready to do that? Are you ready to step into your glory? 

Beyond Technique: The Spark of the Human Spirit

According to Human Design, the Shadow of Gate 16 emphasizes skills and techniques over the human spirit that animates them. This leads to a focus on acquiring information and becoming an "expert" rather than seeking true mastery. Mastery, however, transcends technique. It's about infusing your skills with passion and purpose, utilizing them as a bridge to a higher state of consciousness. 

Love Fuels the Flame of Mastery

Mastery isn't just about acquiring skills; it's about loving the process. It's about loving your work! You need a deep connection to what you're doing, an almost obsessive passion. When you find work you adore, it transcends being "just a job." It becomes an opportunity to create something truly meaningful, something beyond yourself.

“The Gift of being versatile is the ability to pick up any skill that is needed and use it for a single aim — for the betterment of humanity and the service of the whole. Versatility is driven by the dynamic energy of enthusiasm — the feeling that you are doing something thoroughly enjoyable, which also happens to improve people’s lives and serve the whole. At the Gift level of frequency something truly remarkable happens — one Gift becomes interchangeable with another.” - Richard Rudd, Gene Keys

A crucial element for mastery is passion. As Greene emphasizes, "You have to love the work. You have to feel a profound connection to it. You must be obsessed." When work becomes a source of joy and fulfillment, it transcends the mundane, transforming into an opportunity to create something beautiful and meaningful.

The Gift of Versatility: A Bridge to a Higher Purpose

The Gift of Gate 16 lies in versatility. It's not about mastering everything, but having the ability to learn and adapt, leveraging skills for a greater good.  This "Gift" allows your skills to become a bridge, connecting you to a higher purpose,  "the betterment of humanity and the service of the whole." As is similar to what Robert Greene shares about the sensation of mastery - “the feeling that we have a greater command of reality, other people, and ourselves.”

The Mastery Mindset: A Lifelong Pursuit

Mastery is not a finite achievement; it's a lifelong journey of self-discovery and continuous improvement.  By embracing the challenges, confronting indifference, and nurturing your passion, you embark on the path to becoming your best self.  Remember, as Pindar, the ancient Greek poet, stated, "Become who you are by learning who you are."  Embrace the journey, cultivate your skills with purpose, and allow yourself to blossom into the master you were always meant to be.

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